AllArtChristmasCity marketingCorporateFairsFestivalShopping centerWorkshopsWorld recordSand sculptures on the Rhine dyke – Sandcity NeuwiedGocher SommerHalle by the seaGroßARTiger SandSandcity Burgdorf with children’s sandcastle building competitionJames Bond – No Time To DieSand sculpture in Haltern – “Ruhr Ding: 2021”Underwater world of sand at boot DüsseldorfOpening “Robinson Club” Sal/Cabo VerdeIDS-Cologne: Sandskulptur auf dem MessestandMini castle as an interactive workshopLittle WorkerSanta’s Christmas palaceSand festival “Across Europe”Museum NRW-ForumWorkwearSanta’s coming to town!HagenbeckTV Child Reporter5-city tourUndersea worldCharles DickensSealifeFIFA World CupIFATVW BeetleMusikFilmFestival