“The world’s tallest sandcastle”

(September 2017)

Using 3,500 tonnes of sand, our team of 19 international artists took 3.5 weeks to build this gigantic sandcastle.

Height according to official measurement by Guinness World Records®:

16.68 meters !

Certified on 1 September, 2017 in Duisburg

Over the eight weeks in the Landschaftpark, just under 400,000 visitors dropped in to marvel at the sandcastle. And, as a speaker said, they were not just from the local region:

“There was a positive wave of sandcastle tourism.”

Press and social media

The media resonance was every bit as gigantic as the world record breaking sandcastle itself. Even when the starting shot sounded in the form of the arrival of the first trucks laden with sand, all the local and regional TV, radio and print media were present. During the building phase, the event took on a medial life of its own. The announcement of the world record even interrupted radio broadcasting as “breaking news”. Reports of the success circled the globe and a photo of the “tallest sandcastle” even made it on to the LED screen on Times Square in New York.

Beyond price: the resonance on all social media channels. Even the German Embassy in the US tweeted our success.
#sandburg #sandcastle

The building site

It took our technical crew a good week and the use of heavy machinery to compact the sand in timber formwork:


Duisburg / 2017